Research Activities

Telecentre Programme for Orang Asli - Energy Group , Power Rectification
In a recent trip in June 2016 to Pos Lenjang Telecentre, the TPOA Energy Group team was informed that the telecentre was facing power outage due to the MCB tripping. This team was later sent to troubleshoot and rectify the issue at the telecenter. After a few hours of troubleshooting, it was found that two circuits were faulty and that was the cause of the trip. 1. Ceiling fan (current leakage) 2. Toilet light (cable was found exposed) After the two issues were resolved, further inspection on site found that the PV System’s inverter was also producing a light on the test pen (kickback current). The finding was reported to the vendor staff present, and it was resolved immediately.
SHARE ICT Train­ing And TNA Meeting

A meet­ing was arranged between rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the Min­istry of Infor­ma­tion and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Rela­tions and the Badan Kepe­gawa­ian Daerah dan Pen­didikan Pelati­han and a team from Uni­ver­siti Malaysia Sarawak (UNI­MAS) to dis­cuss the upcom­ing SHARE ICT Train­ing project and TNA for the par­tic­i­pants at Tanah Datar at the Badan Kepe­gawa­ian Daerah dan Pen­didikan Pelati­han, which is the train­ing cen­ter at Tanah Datar.

A dis­cus­sion between rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Tanah Datar and UNI­MAS was held regard­ing sev­eral issues namely:

  • The need to final­ize the cur­ricu­lum struc­ture of the train­ing pro­gramme for the participants.
  • The devel­op­ment of the ICT train­ing cen­ter which is cur­rently underway.
  • The con­tent of the TNA forms which were to be dis­trib­uted to the par­tic­i­pants later.
  • Meet­ing with the appointed coor­di­na­tor which will be sent to UNIMAS.
  • The com­plete final­ized list of equip­ment that needs to be placed at the ICT center.
  • Expla­na­tion of the vision, mis­sion and objec­tive of the train­ing pro­gramme, SHARE appli­ca­tions as well as pro­posed mod­ules that will run through­out the train­ing programme.
  • A guide­book should be made for the ICT Train­ing participants.
  • The MOA between UNI­MAS, TTC, Tanah Datar and the coor­di­na­tor should include the job descrip­tion of the coordinator.
  • The pro­posed sched­ule of the train­ing pro­gramme which is to begin in Sep­tem­ber 2014 to Decem­ber 2014 and com­mence again in March 2015 onwards. It was sug­gested that all train­ing ses­sions would run for a period of three months per level.
  • Detailed timeta­bles for the ses­sions as well as the mate­ri­als to be made avail­able soon.

The team from UNI­MAS informed them that they will bring back these sug­ges­tions and points for fur­ther dis­cus­sion and will update the team from Tanah Datar later.

The TNA ses­sion with the par­tic­i­pants was con­ducted in the after­noon. There was also a Q&A ses­sion with the par­tic­i­pants to clar­ify some ques­tions that they had regard­ing the train­ing programme.