
The ISITI projects are located within Malaysia with a very large and diverse indige­nous remote pop­u­la­tion. The insti­tute brings together more than 30 researchers from dif­fer­ent Fac­ul­ties and Cen­tres in UNI­MAS; from the social sci­ences, to ICTs and engi­neer­ing. The whole pro­ce­dure of imple­ment­ing the projects in remote com­mu­ni­ties is iden­ti­cal to where the deploy­ment of tech­nolo­gies takes very short time in com­par­i­son to engage­ment and rela­tion­ship build­ing with com­mu­ni­ties. Within this ambit, the fol­low­ing are the research thrusts in ISITI:

Green Technology


Telecentre Sustainability

Bridg­ing the Dig­i­tal Divide

Indige­nous Knowl­edge and Cul­tural Preservation

Socio Eco­nomic Development



Information Technology Group
Information Technology Group
Business & Marketing Group
Business & Marketing Group
Knowledge Management Group
Knowledge Management Group
Education Group
Education Group
Social & Cultural Group
Social & Cultural Group
Energy Group
Energy Group
Telecommunication Group
Telecommunication Group
Health Group
Health Group