Research Activities

A meeting was arranged between representatives from the Ministry of Information and Communications Relations and the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah dan Pendidikan Pelatihan and a team from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) to discuss the upcoming SHARE ICT Training project and TNA for the participants at Tanah Datar at the Badan Kepegawaian Daerah dan Pendidikan Pelatihan, which is the training center at Tanah Datar.
A discussion between representatives from Tanah Datar and UNIMAS was held regarding several issues namely:
- The need to finalize the curriculum structure of the training programme for the participants.
- The development of the ICT training center which is currently underway.
- The content of the TNA forms which were to be distributed to the participants later.
- Meeting with the appointed coordinator which will be sent to UNIMAS.
- The complete finalized list of equipment that needs to be placed at the ICT center.
- Explanation of the vision, mission and objective of the training programme, SHARE applications as well as proposed modules that will run throughout the training programme.
- A guidebook should be made for the ICT Training participants.
- The MOA between UNIMAS, TTC, Tanah Datar and the coordinator should include the job description of the coordinator.
- The proposed schedule of the training programme which is to begin in September 2014 to December 2014 and commence again in March 2015 onwards. It was suggested that all training sessions would run for a period of three months per level.
- Detailed timetables for the sessions as well as the materials to be made available soon.
The team from UNIMAS informed them that they will bring back these suggestions and points for further discussion and will update the team from Tanah Datar later.
The TNA session with the participants was conducted in the afternoon. There was also a Q&A session with the participants to clarify some questions that they had regarding the training programme.